Tuesday, August 31, 2010

When's the Right Time to Have the Girl Talk with your Daughter?

A couple weekends ago, I was helping my daughter clean her room up...you know, organize and unclutter it. Well as I was doing this, I found one of my "light pads" lying on her floor with the adhesive side up???? What in the world???? So I asked her about it and she at first looked away and didn't want to answer, then she said "I thought they were for your feet?!" LOL! I about died! Seriously!!!!

I told Scott about this and he asked what I had told her they were used for. Of course not! I told her that these are mommy's and she is not to "play with them", they are off limits!

She'll be 9 in a month. When should I say something about what these pads are really used for and How??? This is a discussion I have not thought about at all! Eeks!!!!! I don't know what to say without confusing her. This is similar to the sex topic!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Am I Getting Old???? Or Just Losing It;)

So this morning I get a call from my Hubby stating no one was home at our babysitter's house???? Hmmm, I was shocked because I couldn't figure out why or what was going on and I was already at work. So I contact my babysitter, no answer! I text her.......she calls me back, and says ....... "Please tell me you didn't forget???" OOPS!!! I DID. I forgot she had to take her sister to her ultrasound today. Crap! So I had to do some scramblin' to find someone to watch my kid before my husband goes off the deep end with me. Thank goodness my sister-in-law was able to keep today. That was quick and short notice! Phew! Saved from being chewed out!

No need to get upset with my babysitter because she did tell me at the beginning of the month that she would not be able to watch my kid on this day......AND I FORGOT!!!! So am I getting old and forgetful or I'm just losing it?????

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Ruby Red Slippers and a Cow?

We had a Dorothy and a Cow for Halloween this year. Sami wanted to be Dorothy from Wizard of Oz and with the help of her Nana, we accomplished the task. She looked so cute! I wanted to dress Trevor up as one of the characters from Wizard of Oz as well but as always I procrastinated and when I decided to find an outfit for him, they were all "out of stock". So Trevor ended up being a cow. He didn't mind at all wearing the cute little outfit. He wore it well. If you're wondering where Tyler is in all this, well he's a teenager now and teenagers would rather be with their friends rather than their family, so he is absent in all the pictures. Sorry.

Friday night before Halloween, we went with our friends Mark and Jen to the Fall Festival at their church in St. Louis. There were games and stuff for the kids to do there and Sami and Trevor had a good time.

Cousin Amelia came by for pictures on Halloween. She was Glenda, the Good Witch, from Wizard of Oz.

We went to my mom's before all the trick or treating begun. Trevor is walking to the front door like a big boy! He's growing up TOO FAST!!!!

Scott took Sami and her friend Merecedes trick or treating down one street in my parents' subdivision. They ended up with a huge bag of candy in half an hour! After we left there, we met up with Mark and Jen. We took Trevor trick or treating, his first time, with his favorite girl, Kate. She was Dorothy too. Kate was a cutie!!!!! They had fun trick or treating for little ones. Trevor would hesitate at each house before going up to the doors but then he didn't want to leave their yards. He was having a great time! Sami went with Merecedes and her family trick or treating in the same neighborhood as us. Sami had fun doing that. She's growing up too!

At the end of the night, the kids ended up with way too much candy as usual. They were all smiles!

Another successful Halloween!!!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Trevor's One!!!!!

I can't believe my baby is "ONE"!!!! Trevor turned one on August 7th! (The same day has his Nana's birthday.) The time went by so fast as did the other two.

For his birthday, we got him his own playhouse. He loves to go outside on our deck and play and watch the puppies in the yard, so we thought this would be great for him to have something to play in on the deck. He loves it. He goes in and out the door and stands up on the little seats inside, opens and closes the shutter doors, etc. And his big sister and brother love the playhouse too.....go figure!

We also bought him a picnic table his size to put on the deck also. That was a HUGE mistake. The kid climbs on top of it and stands.....ack!!! He has fallen off this thing twice now and has ended it up with big ole lumps on his head!!! He is prone to falling and getting bruises anyways and this didn't help the situation any.

One of Trevor's favorite birthday gifts was the "truck" books from our friends, the Schinks. They have wheels on them and he loves to push it around and go vroom!!!

Trevor LLOOOVVVVEEEEESSSSS ice cream. He chose to eat his ice cream over the cake. As you can see, he's doing a fine job feeding himself.....hee hee!

And Trevor hates to be "dirty"! He did not like the icing on his hands and he refused to touch his cake any more than he had to. He's holding his hand in the air to "get away" from the cake. He was quite happy when we took the cake away and gave him his ice cream instead as shown above.

Trevor had a wonderful birthday! We shared this special memory with our family and our great great friends the Roskowskes, Brauns, and Schinks! Trevor is so blessed to have such wonderful people in his life to share these events and so much more ahead!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Continuation of Day 4

This was our second to last day in Branson during our vacation in June. We spent the day at the Landing in Branson which is full of great stores and places to eat. We took a moment to rest from spending too much money and let the kids play in the fountain.

Tyler just got done creating his own race car of which he is thinking about taking it out here and checking his finished project out.

Sami's just chilling!!! The water was kind of cold too!!!

And here's Scott and Trevor...Scott is flicking water at Trevor to cool him down. Of which, Trevor liked.

Sorry it took me forever to post this. Our vacation to Branson was perfect and relaxing!! We needed it and the time we spent with the kids was wonderful!!!

Branson Vacation Day 3 & 4

Ok, so it's Saturday, July 4th, and I'm just now finding time to finish our Branson vacation update. This may take awhile to finish because I'm also watching "Sex and the City", the movie. Yeah, I know, I should focus on one thing or the other and I have a feeling I'm going to have to rewatch this movie because I've had to fast forward through some parts that are not PG related:)

So lets begin....

End of Day 3: no we did not make it to White Water. Baby did not wake up until 5ish and then we of course had to feed him and ourselves, so we went to eat at Uptown Cafe. This was the place that for some reason Sami wanted to make sure we were done eating and gone before the entertainment started. I guess she was worried that like at Hard Luck Diner, someone would come sing to her like they did the boys.

Then more shopping...We did do ALOT of shopping while in Branson, basically because we're limited to what we can do with a baby. Shows are out, too long for a baby to sit through and the tourist sites, my kids wouldn't be interested.
While at Tanger Outlet, yes, I went to the Coach Factory because Scott finally said yes, I can get a purse!!! Yay!! So I did get a purse and a wallet for half the price.
After that, we went back to the new hotel, the Radisson (the hotel with the sleep-by-number beds), and the kids wanted to go swimming so I took the top two swimming while Scott put Trevor down for bedtime. Apparently, all parents had the same idea. That pool was packed!!! Sami met a new friend there. She says her name was "Merate" from Texas, but I'm really not sure if that was the little girl's name or not. Anyways those two had a ball swimming and jumping and getting away from Tyler. Later, I had asked her what the little girl's dad asked her when she was introduced to him. She said the dad asked where she was from and Sami replies real seriously: "America." I had to giggle when she told me that, but she is telling the truth. So I guess he asked where in America of which then she told him "Union, MO." Sometimes Sami can be a character and I love listening to her talk about some things because she gets so serious.
Day 4:

We took it easy on Saturday. Went to breakfast at Golden Corral and then we went to Branson Landing a little bit later. I really like going there. They have done such a good job making it nice.

While there, we took Trevor to Build-A-Bear (Sami and Tyler built one a couple of years ago so we thought we would get Trevor one too). Sami and Tyler did help with Trevor's though. It was fun, we had the bear made and fluffed, added a sound and heart, and even picked out a "Harley Davidson" t-shirt for the bear. We made the bear's birth certificate and named it "Bubba" just like we call Trevor. Trevor loves his bear. He gives it kisses every now and then and also hugs it but then gets bored with it and throws it on the ground. Then there's a new store called Rides Maker and it's the same thing as Build-A-Bear but with cars/trucks. Tyler wanted to make a car so we let him. I have pictures of that with a big smile of when he was done creating it.

Branson Landing also has a nice fountain area of which we stopped for a few minutes to sit and let the kids put their hands in it and splash themselves to cool down.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Branson Vacation Day 3

This morning, we got to spend an hour with my great uncle Sonny. He took us out to breakfast. He's a super nice guy. He's the one who sent us tickets for Silver Dollar City and gave us tickets today for White Water. He is my grandpa's brother and reminds me so much of grandpa. I love being around him.

We were supposed to come home today, but we decided to stay two more nights. We had to wait to check in to a new hotel, so in the mean time, we went to the laudromat (that was boring but we needed clean clothes), then we ate some lunch and then went on a scenic drive around Table Rock Lake and Lake Taneycomo. Currently, we are in the hotel killing time while Trevor naps. Tyler and Scott rode the helicopter and went to the Toy Museum while Sami and I stayed back with Trevor. We want to go to White Water which closes at 7:00 but I don't know if we're going to make it or not. Trev's been asleep since 3:00!

We really have no other plans, just chilling and enjoying our time away and together.

Will update more later!!!!